Play Zone. That soft play area that you spent hours in as a child, attending the birthday parties of yourself and your friends. By friends, we mean everyone in your class, because your mum didn’t want anyone feeling left out.
Why are we telling you this? Because Tuesday is student night. That means you can get together (with people you actually like), and relive your youth.
It’s every bit as good as it was when you were 7, it’s just a bit weird.
The slides are considerably less daunting then they used to be. Maybe because you’re the actual size of the slide now.
It’s still just as noisy, everyone still screams and shouts a lot. You’d have thought they might have grown up by now. Especially considering you haven’t, because you’re still going to Play Zone.
You’ll seriously wonder how on earth you managed to run around the place without dying, because when we went, we needed to have several breaks for Slush Puppies. Which do taste just like ice, sugar and a hint of chemical flavouring, yum. The red one is still the best.
You’ll feel like you’ve just spent several hours in the gym. Something you’ll only relate to if you’ve ever actually attended a gym.
So, if you like the idea of spending a couple of hours pretending to be a child, this could be perfect for you. They’ll let you in from 7.30pm, if you’re queuing outside, expect to receive some really disapproving looks from the parents of the children who are leaving.
It’s £5 with a student card, so don’t forget your student ID. Oh and you might want to make sure you’re wearing some lovely clothes that will stop you getting friction burn, just remember how painful they were. It hurts just to think about them.
For all the details, visit the Play Zone Lincoln website.