It’s Pancake Day

Pancake Day is the best day of the year, after Christmas Day, obviously.

The only thing stopping it from being the best, is the fact no one ever really knows when it is.

It’s a well known fact that Easter can’t have a fixed date, because Good Friday and Easter Sunday must remain on these days of the week (Good Monday and Easter Wednesday just wouldn’t be right).

It’s also well known that you must use up all your eggs and that before Lent starts tomorrow. Lent is when Jesus didn’t eat for 40 days and 40 nights, apparently. I bet Jesus thoroughly enjoyed his pancakes though, I wonder if he likes Nutella too?

Either way, that bottle of golden syrup you bought last year will once again come in slightly useful.

Today is the one day of the year you’ll actually make and eat pancakes, although you probably have the ingredients in just about all year round. It only seems appropriate today.

Earlier today, by the train barrier on Lincoln High Street, free pancakes were being given out by the Luminous Christian community. I’d quite happily get stuck at the barriers if there were always free pancakes.

If you don’t want to buy one of those pre-mixed pancake mixes, here’s just one of many pancake recipes out there. It claims to make ‘perfect’ pancakes, we’d want nothing less.

But we hope you all have a flipping wonderful Pancake Day!