The Arboretum. Sounds fancy doesn’t it? It sounds even more weird with the word Lincoln in front of it. Lincoln? Fancy? HA.
To put it simply, if you didn’t already know, an arboretum is a collection of trees. Wow, a collection of trees, how riveting. Well, actually Lincoln’s arboretum is a rather lovely place.
Strangely enough, it’s situated directly on the “wonderful” Monks Road. Now, I warn you, if you haven’t been there before, expect to see some erm… sights to behold.
Anyway, the arboretum is like a rose in a dying flowerbed. Take that in any way you wish.
I’ve had some rather odd experiences at the arboretum, I must admit.
I’ve visited the arboretum many times, and in all seasons. I must admit that it’s one of my favourite places in Lincoln. It’s perfect to wander to with friends and sit and chat. As well as this I think I love it because a lot of things have happened there.
The first time I ever visited the arboretum was on a first date. He was awkward. I was bored. Our conversation was terrible. He ended up telling me how to work out the circumference of stairs. I’m guessing he was talking about a spiral staircase, but to be honest by this point I wanted to drown myself in my coffee. So yeah, you can tell how that date ended…
My friend from Sheffield came down to visit one Summer, I took him to the arboretum. There we were, chilling on the grass discussing life when we witnessed a tramp having a piss in a corner. Lovely.
Oh, and most recently, fellow Lincoln & That-er Luke and I went to feed the ducks. We were having a jolly good time throwing them bread until I threw the bread a little too hard and my phone flew from my pocket. Guess what happened next? Yep, there was a massive splosh and goodbye iPhone 5.
So what is actually in the arboretum? Well…
It has around three or four fountains (I can’t remember exactly but there are a lot), a large pond, a lot of steps (oh Lincoln and your steep-ness), a random stone lion, a Victorian bandstand, a children’s play area, a maze and a hell of a lot of benches and grass (as is normal in an arboretum/park/thing).
So yeah, if you haven’t been to the Arboretum yet then why haven’t you? Go and make some memories like mine. Although… I’m hoping you don’t have a shit date, see a tramp having a piss and lose your phone.
Oh, and if you have stayed far far away from Monks Road and don’t have a clue where it is, then here’s a link to good old Google Maps for your navigation.
And one more thing… if you actually wanted to work out the circumference of spiral staircase (if you’re into that kinda thing) then here’s a nice little thread explaining it all.