The Grand Budapest Hotel Review

The poster for the film The Grand Budapest Hotel

I’ll be honest. I’m a massive Wes Anderson nerd. So when I first heard about The Grand Budapest Hotel coming out and saw the actors and actresses who would be in it I actually did a squeal. Yes, I am that sad.

Anyway, I’ll stop myself before I go into a huge Wes Anderson film discussion here. You may be here for hours and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.

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Who Wants To Meet A Vegan Tiger Called Mr I, Taystayness?

Alice (me) and Mr Tay the vegan tiger man. He is wearing a tiger onesie and has a cowboy hat and bee mask on

Well, obviously you do of course.

So yeah, as it says in our wonderful title there. Mr I, Taystayness, or for short, Mr Tay, is a vegan tiger. Yes, you did read that right and your brain isn’t scrambled. He’s a tiger that doesn’t eat meat or any products from animals…

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