LEGO Movie Review

Emmet proudly buys an overpriced coffee in The LEGO Movie

As promised, we’re bringing you a short but sweet review of The LEGO Movie which we went to go and see at the Lincoln ODEON.

Basically, it’s great as we thought it was going to be. It isn’t quite as spectacular as all the critics are making it out to be, but in all seriousness it is a great family film.

Even when we say ‘family’ we mean that lightly. There are so many jokes which are suitable for grown-ups in this film that really you should have no shame as a young student or young person in general without children in going and seeing this film.

Only issue is that people seem to be labouring under the impression that it is a film just for kids, so parents are taking their children to see it. This is annoying.

There’s a point in the film where the main character, Emmet, really does hit a jeopardy point and this young child next to us started to cry. It was rather irritating. We wanted to tell the parents to shut it up but then the situation is rather quickly resolved so fortunately the little shit only ruined about 180 seconds of the movie for us.

It does end with the stereotypical American ending which is everyone looking ‘bleary-eyed’ and ‘proud’ as some characters save the day, but it is great. The end is also begging for a sequel, which it looks as though Warner Brothers may have already confirmed. We’re pleased about this.

How Do You Make Lectures Better? Answer: Spaceship Chairs

A picture of 12 Steelcase Node chairs in a variety of colours.

Okay, perhaps you read this title and your first thought was “what the hell is she talking about?”

Well… if you have happened to take a look in the main building at university, a few of the rooms on the first floor are filled with the weirdest chairs in existence.

We here at Lincoln & That (well, probably just me) like to call them “spaceship chairs”.

They’re pretty snazzy actually (yeah that’s right, I said the word snazzy). They’re basically a version of the plastic school chair but at least two times more comfortable, with a plastic circle underneath to place your bag, an added cup or water holder (ooooh) and a move-able desk. They’re also on wheels, which cause you to want to spin around constantly like you did in Year 9 ICT.

So they may not sound amazing by description but if you’re left-handed like me, university desks for “lefties” are hard to come by. Also come on, just look at the photo below and tell me they aren’t cool.

A picture of 12 Steelcase Node chairs in a variety of colours.


The chairs are called Steelcase Node for anyone interested. My fellow writer Emily actually wrote down the brand of them in her notebook because she is incredibly sad.

Anyway, sadly I couldn’t find a picture of them with the cup holder (which is the MUST HAVE). What’s also crap is that our chairs are only in white… look at the colours we could have had. Imagine a rainbow room of them. Oooh pretty.

If you think I’m nuts right now for talking about chairs then take a group of 20 year olds into a room filled with them and you’ll understand what I mean.