If you are going to Wagamama (Japanese cuisine) for the first time then you must know how to say it right. If you can’t pronounce it, you can’t eat there.
So here is the first pronunciation lesson on our website. First we need to break up the word into many little words that you can pronounce. You can either say Wag-a-ma-ma or Wag-a-mama. Or you can just get a pronunciation app to help you. Or just ignore the above statement.
The main thing you will notice about Wagamama is it’s on the Brayford and is in no shape or form harmful to the swans…(No evidence suggests so far). Ask Italian’s view is blocked which is a shame. (Don’t forget to read our review on that).
Once you get over the above issues and you enter the restaurant, you will realise the seating arrangements are somewhat strange, but unique. There is a 90% chance you will be seated next to a stranger. However, just remember you can judge their food and eavesdrop on their conversation very easily. (If you are that sort of a person).
The staff are very friendly and will have knowledge on the dishes, but if they don’t know, the chef will. If the chef doesn’t know, then Google it or just don’t choose that dish.
Overall, Wagamama is a fun experience to have, but if it’s your first time just don’t go for the spiciest dish on the menu, Firecracker Chicken, as there might be toilet issues.