We all love films because we all need something that will take us away from the real world. Living our real lives is just so so so difficult. So last week we said keep your eyes peeled for Part 2. Well here is what to expect in films 2014 part 2.
(If you haven’t had the chance to read part 1 well just click here).

” Hold your humans. Don’t worry friends, part 2 of Lincoln&That’s what to expect in films 2014 is here. And we are in it, no need for war.” Said Caesar.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
This is the sequel to the Rise of the Planet of the Apes, so it’s necessary to watch that one first by our recommendations and to get background knowledge of Caeser (the leader ape). Anyways with this film, there has been a virus and sometime in the future the apes have taken over the city. However, some humans have survived and like all good things there was peace, then someone got greedy and war happens. Expect a battle between the apes and humans because we are. If that doesn’t get you in the mood, Gary Oldman plays a new character and Andy Serkis returns to playing Caeser.
Release Date: 17th July
Story. Action. Explosions. More Action. Cheesy classic film lines. More action. Bit of a story. More action. More explosions. Even more action. The End. It will be starring Harrison Ford, Antonio Banderas, Mel Gibson and Wesley Snipes. Expect classic film lines and jokes from this film because Sylvester Stallone will find it somewhere to put them in. He did it for Arnold Schwarzengger with “I’ll be back” and with Chuck Norris, he chucked a Chuck Norris joke in there too. Expect more actors to be in it. A hell of a lot more.
Release Date: 15th August
Seth Rogen and James Franco come together once again to make us laugh. Here we are hoping they would come together again for a Pineapple Express sequel. Anyways, as this is not a Pineapple Express sequel (we are not bitter about this at all), the film, as IMDB says, is “an attractive talk show host and his producer who unwittingly get caught up in an international assassination plot.” So we obviously know who plays the host (Franco) and producer (Rogen) unless we are wrong, these are only predictions. Why don’t they just call it Pineapple Express: It’s not us? Brilliant film name we must say.
Release Date: 10th October
YES! We have been waiting for the reboot. It was coming, we all knew it. The only bad thing it’s starring the Megan Fox. Let’s hope she doesn’t slag off the director, we just hate it when they change actors for a character or randomly kill them off. It’s not fair to us. Our favourite four mutant turtles are set out to defeat the evil aliens and defend earth from all evil.
Release Date: 17th October
Directed and written by Christopher Nolan…the guy that made the epic Batman trilogy…so it should be brilliant. The trailer doesn’t give much away. Okay, it doesn’t give anything away except that it stars Matthew McConaughey. We did some searching and found out it’s a film about explorers that look into space travel and try to surpass the limitations. Seems interesting and Nolan did bring us Batman so it has to be somewhat brilliant or not, but time will come and that will be answered.
Release Date: 7th November
The Hobbit: There and Back Again
The Desolation of Smaug left us on a bloody cliff-hanger. (And if you were sitting in the cinema next to me, you may have heard me swear at the end because I wanted more). This is the final chapter to The Hobbit and maybe Tolkien’s world, Middle-Earth. Will Thorin ever be the king under the mountain? Will Kili survive? Will Bard kill the Smaug or will he fail like his ancestor? Will Bilbo ever return to his hobbit hole in one piece? Will Gandalf escape the Necromancer? IS THIS THE LAST INSTALMENT OF MIDDLE-EARTH!? There’s nothing more to write but deep sadness that there will most likely be no more Middle- Earth after this.
Release Date: 19th December
2014 is the year for sequels, we will have Resident Evil 6, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, The Amazing Spiderman 2, Paranormal Activity 5, Horrible Bosses 2, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, Night at the Museum 3, How to Train a Dragon 2. If this isn’t a sequel year, then we don’t know what is. If we haven’t mentioned a film, then that film is still worth seeing, we only picked what we thought would be great to watch by yourself (loser)! or with friend or someone.