You can have your potatoes many ways, but this week all eyes are on the chip.
Tomorrow is the last day of National Chip Week. (Noooooo). Continue reading
You can have your potatoes many ways, but this week all eyes are on the chip.
Tomorrow is the last day of National Chip Week. (Noooooo). Continue reading
Sooo, you know what Take Me Out is right? That programme with all those cheesy one-liners like “let the apple see the crumble”, “no likey, no lightey” and all that jazz. If you haven’t heard these ultimate corny sayings from good old Paddy McGuiness then there is a wonderful selection for you.
Anyway, last year St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice set up their own Take Me Out event to raise money. The event starred 8 hopefully men and 20 girls on the stage, hoping to win a free meal and date at Nandos. I mean come on who doesn’t love free chicken right?
This year the event came back for a second time. It saw mental dancing, guys strutting their stuff, women doing the splits and backflips; and oh, a guy put a glass eye in his mouth (yes, that DID happen and ew).
So how did we at L&T (which we’re increasingly calling ourselves during office meetings, no idea why, it sounds like a Lemonade & Tonic which would be awful), celebrate Burns Night?
Well we didn’t.
We did awkwardly go along to an event at the Lincoln Drill Hall which was in honour of the late poet Robert Burns (well, me and Alice did).
The event was organised by Liam Robinson, who is in charge of a band called “The Liam Robinson Dance Band“, unfortunately he doesn’t play sick David Guetta beats, but he does play some amazing Scottish Ceilidh dancing songs, which is just as good. Not.
It all involved dancing, singing and poetry. The first two of those things that I just wrote actually involved some level of audience participation. Imagine the awkward glances exchanged between myself and Alice as we realised that neither of us knew the lyrics to these traditional folk songs being sung.
Also the dancing was amazing. Alice got to dance with a rather elderly Scottish gentleman, and I had to dance with his wife, who was Canadian-Scottish. They were both surprisingly strong for their age and I was afraid at one moment of “Whipping The Willow” that I would in fact let go and go flying across the room.
Fear not, dear reader, that did not happen, your author is safe for now.
Here is BBC’s coverage of the London New Year’s Eve Fireworks 2014.
As 2014 draws nearer, we thought it’d be a good idea to remind you all what happened that made 2013 so special. Continue reading
Every year the delightful city of Lincoln puts on its Christmas Market.
We’re here covering the goings-on at this pleasant event, and to make you jealous
You can follow the liveblog here.
Ho, ho ho. It’s the first of December and all that (no really, it is).
All over the world in various households Christmas trees and decorations will have gone up, and the first little window on the Advent calender has been opened.
Hopefully all of you are jolly Christmas people like the folks who have already donned their trees. If not then shame on you, Scrooges.
For those of you who DO have the Christmas spirit, then get yourselves to Lincoln’s Annual Christmas Market.
Something electrical is afoot.
Lincoln is switching on it’s Christmas Lights tonight for the coming “festive period”.
The “celebrity” in “charge” of the “switch-on” will be actress Sue Hodge.
Sue played Mimi in ‘Allo ‘Allo and she played Mimi in the stage production of ‘Allo ‘Allo. She was also controversially chosen for the role of Mimi in the Return of ‘Allo ‘Allo.
A nice, wide ranging career then.
Anyway, the live blog is here.
UPDATE: Sue Hodge actually had another role in a BBC3 sitcom called “The Lads Club”. She played Connie. We can’t seem to find any record of such a show anywhere on the internet, so one could presume that it was not a particular success.
If the wide array of Christmas adverts & shops full of gift ideas haven’t got you in the mood yet (bah humbug), Lincoln’s got something that’s almost certain to get you feeling festive…even though it’s just November (and Christmas is over a month away, but still). Continue reading
Luke and Emily went along to a Farmer’s Market today.
We completely forgot to manufacture this post in time, however, you can now look at the event with the gift of “hindsight”.
The link is here.
No it’s not it’s HERE.
Ha ha.
On Saturday, we’ll be heading up to Castle Hill for the latest Lincoln Farmers’ Market, (how very exciting). Continue reading
We are doing a live blog on the Lincoln Veggie Fayre (sounds like fun doesn’t it?). Continue reading