You may have heard about the American food craze that is the cronut.
You’ve not heard of a cronut? Well crawl out from under that rock and I’ll tell you. Continue reading
You may have heard about the American food craze that is the cronut.
You’ve not heard of a cronut? Well crawl out from under that rock and I’ll tell you. Continue reading
Pancake Day is the best day of the year, after Christmas Day, obviously.
The only thing stopping it from being the best, is the fact no one ever really knows when it is.
It’s a well known fact that Easter can’t have a fixed date, because Good Friday and Easter Sunday must remain on these days of the week (Good Monday and Easter Wednesday just wouldn’t be right).
It’s also well known that you must use up all your eggs and that before Lent starts tomorrow. Lent is when Jesus didn’t eat for 40 days and 40 nights, apparently. I bet Jesus thoroughly enjoyed his pancakes though, I wonder if he likes Nutella too?
Either way, that bottle of golden syrup you bought last year will once again come in slightly useful.
Today is the one day of the year you’ll actually make and eat pancakes, although you probably have the ingredients in just about all year round. It only seems appropriate today.
Earlier today, by the train barrier on Lincoln High Street, free pancakes were being given out by the Luminous Christian community. I’d quite happily get stuck at the barriers if there were always free pancakes.
If you don’t want to buy one of those pre-mixed pancake mixes, here’s just one of many pancake recipes out there. It claims to make ‘perfect’ pancakes, we’d want nothing less.
But we hope you all have a flipping wonderful Pancake Day!
You can have your potatoes many ways, but this week all eyes are on the chip.
Tomorrow is the last day of National Chip Week. (Noooooo). Continue reading
One of the films we told you to you watch in 2014 was American Hustle. What a better way than to review a movie we mentioned. Has American Hustle, hustled its way into winning any awards? Well just carry on reading. Continue reading
We all love films because we all need something that will take us away from the real world. Living our real lives is just so so so difficult. So last week we said keep your eyes peeled for Part 2. Well here is what to expect in films 2014 part 2. Continue reading
Here is BBC’s coverage of the London New Year’s Eve Fireworks 2014.
Let’s be honest, it’ll be mostly shit.
But, let’s also try and be positive, it may now all be that bad.
I’ve tried to get together a list of the stuff which I think will be worth watching out for, the stuff you should be watching if you’re not, and compiled them into a sort of “list”.
Only Connect – BBC Four (moving to BBC Two) – This may look boring as hell, and also as difficult as trying to pull a nipple off, but it is actually brilliant. Watch an episode and I promise you it’ll intrigue you enough to watch the next episode on iPlayer, you have to find connections between seemingly unrelated objects. This is the hardest episode ever produced and is available on YouTube. You’ll also see how unbelievably British the whole affair is.
If you don’t get a single question right in that whole episode, don’t worry, no-one does. But isn’t it relaxing to watch, what with it’s nice music and lack of audience? I can’t stop watching it. The first few episodes of every series usually has a few easy questions and then you feel AMAZING having watched it and got a few right. So yeah.
Top Gear – BBC Two – This will invariably return, it always does. Despite it being presented by an idiot and his two much nicer friends, it’s always enjoyable to watch. I find myself increasingly wanting to watch the special episodes these days, and I’m not so bothered about the normal episodes. Judging by Idris Elba hosting a number of shows recently on BBC Two about Motor Racing, it looks like he’s up to take Clarkson’s job upon his eventual leaving of the show. This would make it actually perfect. In case you hadn’t gathered, I dislike Clarkson intensely.
Big Brother – Channel 5 – Am I the only one who stopped watching this once it moved to Channel 5? I actually stopped watching it before then. It’s apparently still around, though.
Sherlock – BBC One – This is a “modern” programme even my parents like (and that is seriously saying something, they hate most things they see), and I love it too. Returns early January, I can’t wait. Presumably he’ll actually be alive this series, I mean, he did die at the end of the last series and all that, unless they’ve got a morbid sense of humour I presume he faked his own death.
Yeah yeah so fashion is a big thing. Did you know that? No? Well then where have you been?
2013 has shown many fashion trends. Some quite nice: i.e. pastel coloured coats for example. Some not so nice and some that are so horrendous you want to bludgeon yourself in the head: i.e. wedge trainers. We’ll be covering vile fashion trends of the past year in an upcoming post, so keep an eye out if you want a chuckle.
Anyway, so what are the big trends in 2014 you ask? Well you fashionista devils you, here are our favourite collections and trends for Spring and Summer 2014:
Okay, so we realised we are heading into the year 2014 (duh)! And we need to bring you all up-to date on the latest films that will be released next year because we are “hip” and we “know” what we’re talking about. Continue reading