Have You Played… The LEGO Franchise Games?

A PlayStation controller made of LEGO.

What I mean by this is the LEGO Harry Potter, LEGO Star Wars, Batman, Lord of the Rings etc. games.

I am actually blown away by how good these games are.

I’ll put my hands up and admit something, I am not a gamer at all. I have a Wii and a PS3, but the former is only for parties and friends coming round, and the latter is mostly used for Netflix and iPlayer, and occasional playing of the SSX franchise, with a few blu-rays thrown in.

I recently had the joy of playing around with a friend’s Xbox One for a few hours (it’s a nice piece of kit), I tried a few different games, Forza Sport (racing, unbelievable graphics), Assassin’s Creed (I discovered I’m not very good at this), and LEGO Marvel Superheroes.

The last of those three had me playing for two and a half hours before I even realised any time had passed.

Despite being a kids game, the whole format is basically a 3D platform game in which you become different Marvel characters in order to solve puzzles in the form of LEGO bricks, and while it is a kids game, it is unbelievably addictive.

It’s also rather amusing, and has some wry comments towards the real movies, such as when Spiderman says to Iron Man, “Wait a second, the Hulk can’t go through small spaces? That’s a plot hole from the films”.

The games are only around £15 in GAME, the same price on Amazon. They’re well worth a look at if you fancy a few hours killing in between essay work.

Here’s a video of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as told through LEGO Game cutscenes, I love the humour.