One of the biggest events took place on Sunday 2nd February. It’s called the Superbowl. The Seattle Seahawks vs. Denver Broncos. It was pretty obvious by half time that the Seahawks were going to win, they scored 43 points by the end of the night and only 8 measly points by the Broncos. Continue reading
Category Archives: Lincoln Life
Lincoln & That’s Whistle-Stop Guide To Lincolnshire
If you’ve ever been to Lincolnshire, you’ll know that it’s basically just a lot of fields and villages. But some of these villages do suffer from some *very* bizarre names.
Big Issue? No, Big Tissue
We hope you enjoyed our last Lincoln local piece on Mr Tay the vegan tiger man. If you didn’t happen to catch that ‘roaring’ post then look at this for your enjoyment.
It’s a double dose of fabulous Lincoln locals this week. Let me hear you say ooooooooh.
Anyway, today it’s a very well known character, Big Tissue Man, otherwise known as ‘Baggy’.
The Return of Deathroy
Who Is Loop Cycle?
If you’re a regular here at Lincoln & That, you’ll know that a couple of months back we reviewed Liquor. If you’re an even bigger fan, you’ll have read about their open mic night, (every Monday if you missed it).
Recently two fifths of L&T went along to see what was on offer. We received the usual entertainment from local musicians showcasing their acoustic talents.
The organiser came to the stage to let us know that there would be a slight delay before the next act. In true student style, most of the room saw this as the perfect opportunity to replenish their drinks.
What we heard next was definitely unexpected. And unlike anything we’d heard before.
A man on the stage, with a guitar and a computer set up on the floor. Singing into a microphone whilst playing the guitar. Bet you’re wondering why this is so fantastic?
It was then all played back live, on a loop. Impressive right?
Still baffled? Look. Look now.
Loop Cycle plays regularly in the Lincoln area, so if you’re free, pop down and give this unusual genre a listen.
Who Wants To Meet A Vegan Tiger Called Mr I, Taystayness?
Well, obviously you do of course.
So yeah, as it says in our wonderful title there. Mr I, Taystayness, or for short, Mr Tay, is a vegan tiger. Yes, you did read that right and your brain isn’t scrambled. He’s a tiger that doesn’t eat meat or any products from animals…
What To Expect From Play Zone
Play Zone. That soft play area that you spent hours in as a child, attending the birthday parties of yourself and your friends. By friends, we mean everyone in your class, because your mum didn’t want anyone feeling left out.
Why are we telling you this? Because Tuesday is student night. That means you can get together (with people you actually like), and relive your youth. Continue reading
Burns Night Was Last Night
So how did we at L&T (which we’re increasingly calling ourselves during office meetings, no idea why, it sounds like a Lemonade & Tonic which would be awful), celebrate Burns Night?
Well we didn’t.
We did awkwardly go along to an event at the Lincoln Drill Hall which was in honour of the late poet Robert Burns (well, me and Alice did).
The event was organised by Liam Robinson, who is in charge of a band called “The Liam Robinson Dance Band“, unfortunately he doesn’t play sick David Guetta beats, but he does play some amazing Scottish Ceilidh dancing songs, which is just as good. Not.
It all involved dancing, singing and poetry. The first two of those things that I just wrote actually involved some level of audience participation. Imagine the awkward glances exchanged between myself and Alice as we realised that neither of us knew the lyrics to these traditional folk songs being sung.
Also the dancing was amazing. Alice got to dance with a rather elderly Scottish gentleman, and I had to dance with his wife, who was Canadian-Scottish. They were both surprisingly strong for their age and I was afraid at one moment of “Whipping The Willow” that I would in fact let go and go flying across the room.
Fear not, dear reader, that did not happen, your author is safe for now.
How To Amuse Yourself At The Train Barriers
A little while ago we posted a delightful little guide on what to do whilst waiting at the train barriers.
But we thought it’d just be wrong if we didn’t get a slice of the train related action ourselves.
So here’s a little video, showing you exactly how to have a wild time when those pesky barriers block your path.
What To Expect From Steep Hill…Part 2
If you read the first part of this guide last week, you may have spent the last few days lost, trapped in the fog and eagerly anticipating what to do next. Well, fear not, here is part 2.
The first shop you’ll encounter here may be 44, which is easily our favourite Steep Hill spectacular. It’s basically a really cute craft shop which sells notebooks, postcards, cushions and general household objects. Some of these are imported from places like Japan, making them totally unique in Lincoln. So oriental!
Next there are a couple more little boutiques and clothes shops that sell lots more vintage items. We tend to spend awfully long in these, but as we said earlier, we’re basically all grannies. Seriously, you should see my mothballs. That’s not a euphemism. The rest of the customers too are either grannies, or ‘young’ grannies like us. It’s like a wild little OAP party.
If you’re an avid reader, you’ll have noticed our rather incredible review of Bell’s tea and coffee house the other week. This should most definitely be your next stop as it sells some amazingly tasty home-made cakes. If you don’t like cake, just get out. Stop reading now and leave.
Anyway, after this, you can wash down the cake with a wonderful mini pub crawl. This should include pubs like the Wig & Mitre and Widow Cullen’s Well. These are like proper old school, stereotypically English pubs. They’re complete with comfy armchairs, massive rugs (ooh, raunchy) and even portraits of random, slightly creepy bearded men for your perusal. They do very cheap cider though and are friendly, which is always nice.
You’ve now made it to the top of 2012’s best street ever in the universe or something. Congratulations. Here you’ll find another cafe and another pub (woop). If you’re one of the ridiculously slow path hogging tourists who’ve come to see Lincoln after watching the Da Vinci Code, you’ll be happy to hear that the Cathedral is up here, too. Exciting times, dear readers!
What To Expect From La Trattoria Da Vincenzo

Where is La Trattoria Da Vincenzo? Well here it is on Google Maps. 4.7 stars and it’s reviewed by 8 people! They can’t be wrong.
Yeah, we can’t pronounce it either, we just call it that Italian Place on West Parade. Or you can try it with a fake Italian accent like Luigi from The Simpsons (just don’t be a racist about it) or let Google Translate do the hard work. (Click on the speaker button). Continue reading
What to Expect From Odeon Cinema
There is only one cinema in Lincoln…well that’s a lie.In fact Lincoln has two cinemas, on Odeon and The Ritz. Today, we are reviewing the lovely Odeon cinema with the Costa and the Ben and Jerry’s on the side.