There’s Going To Be A New “River Island”

This is the old River Island store, soon to be shut.

If you’ve had the joy of walking along the High Street in the past couple of weeks, you’ll notice that there is a major construction project happening near the Lloyds Bank and opposite(ish) Boots.


So, if you’re like me, and fancy spending £30 on a single shirt, then you’re in luck.

I tend to find it is the kind of shop I only want to go in once I’ve got some gift vouchers, but fortunately my family have cottoned onto this to the extent that one Christmas present is always a voucher for said shop.

At the moment in store there’s a lot of shirts with pictures of Amsterdam (through various Instagram filters) with the word “AMSTERDAM” emblazoned over the top of it in some hipster fonts, so if you’re a fan of that kind of thing, be my guest (I’m not, I have terrible fashion sense, I can basically just about pull together some colours as a “theme”…and that’s me being generous about my own abilities).

It also says outside the new store that they are “recruiting”, but they’re not, I did a search and there are no jobs available at all at the new store. SO IT’S ALL LIES.

I wanted to get a Saturday job so I could graduate with at least some level of money, but apparently they don’t want Fashion Supremo Richard Morris working for them.

As I went to hit “Schedule” on this post, I was made aware that in fact The Lincolnite, a more serious and boring news source, has already done a story on this, so if you want to be bored to death click here.

How To Amuse Yourself At The Train Barriers

A photo shows 2 people, an old man and a younger man stood waiting at the train barriers. The older man yields a bike. How exotic.

A little while ago we posted a delightful little guide on what to do whilst waiting at the train barriers.

But we thought it’d just be wrong if we didn’t get a slice of the train related action ourselves.

So here’s a little video, showing you exactly how to have a wild time when those pesky barriers block your path.

What To Expect From Steep Hill…Part 2

This photo shows the top half of Lincoln's Steep Hill. There are several buildings in a line with a man walking by.

If you read the first part of this guide last week, you may have spent the last few days lost, trapped in the fog and eagerly anticipating what to do next. Well, fear not, here is part 2.

The first shop you’ll encounter here may be 44, which is easily our favourite Steep Hill spectacular. It’s basically a really cute craft shop which sells notebooks, postcards, cushions and general household objects. Some of these are imported from places like Japan, making them totally unique in Lincoln. So oriental!

Next there are a couple more little boutiques and clothes shops that sell lots more vintage items. We tend to spend awfully long in these, but as we said earlier, we’re basically all grannies. Seriously, you should see my mothballs. That’s not a euphemism. The rest of the customers too are either grannies, or ‘young’ grannies like us. It’s like a wild little OAP party.

If you’re an avid reader, you’ll have noticed our rather incredible review of Bell’s tea and coffee house the other week. This should most definitely be your next stop as it sells some amazingly tasty home-made cakes. If you don’t like cake, just get out. Stop reading now and leave.

Anyway, after this, you can wash down the cake with a wonderful mini pub crawl. This should include pubs like the Wig & Mitre and Widow Cullen’s Well. These are like proper old school, stereotypically English pubs. They’re complete with comfy armchairs, massive rugs (ooh, raunchy) and even portraits of random, slightly creepy bearded men for your perusal. They do very cheap cider though and are friendly, which is always nice.

You’ve now made it to the top of 2012’s best street ever in the universe or something. Congratulations. Here you’ll find another cafe and another pub (woop). If you’re one of the ridiculously slow path hogging tourists who’ve come to see Lincoln after watching the Da Vinci Code, you’ll be happy to hear that the Cathedral is up here, too. Exciting times, dear readers!


What To Expect From La Trattoria Da Vincenzo

Photo: Visit Lincoln via Google. La Trattoria Da Vincenzo from the outside. The restaurant name in on a board hanging outside in the Italian colours of red, green and white.


La Trattoria Da Vincenzo pointed on Google Maps. It says 4.7 stars reviewed by eight people.

Where is La Trattoria Da Vincenzo? Well here it is on Google Maps. 4.7 stars and it’s reviewed by 8 people! They can’t be wrong.

Yeah, we can’t pronounce it either, we just call it that Italian Place on West Parade. Or you can try it with a fake Italian accent like Luigi from The Simpsons (just don’t be a racist about it) or let Google Translate do the hard work. (Click on the speaker button). Continue reading

What To Expect From Bells’ Tea And Coffee House

A Steep Hill tea room, now named Bells'.

Now, I know in Lincoln you’ll probably be spoilt for choice when it comes to looking for a cafe or tea room. If you think Lincoln is running short on this type of place then seriously, you must love a hot beverage.

If you like tea rooms and pastel colours, this might just be up your street. Or hill.

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What To Expect From The Brand Spanking New Shed.

The Shed. You’ve probably been there and if you’re a Lincolnite, you’re probably a fan.

But at the back end of last year, tragedy hit when they announced they were to close and become an office block… Dun Dun Dun!

The University of Lincoln’s Student Union came to the rescue (such heroic specimens), announcing they’d save The Shed and make it a student bar.

This brand new Shed (a.k.a The Shed Student Bar – what a mouthful) opened today.

They’ve got some shiny new beer pumps (shiny, oooh. They’re like weird round mirrors. Literally, you can check yourself out) along with lots of new beers (yay!) and free wifi that now actually works. This is of course the highlight and means you now have no excuse not to have those group meetings you’ve been putting off for oh so long.

It’s also cheaper. The SU have wangled some much better prices on the drinks. If you like Carlsberg, it’s now £2.

At the moment they’re still using those wonderful old (sometimes a bit sticky) tables that we all know and love. This will be changing soon (yay for a new wood smell)!

The menus and offers will be changed in September, but until then, the ones we know and love will keep going. This means Shed Wednesdays and Half Price Breakfast Thursdays shall live on (wahoo). You may or may not see us writing our posts in there. If you do, approach us with caution.

What To Expect From Kind Bar

3 Jam Jar cocktails in Kind Bar, Lincoln

Lincoln has a lot of bars, it’s the perfect place to be if you love a good bar crawl. With a delightful mix of big chains and independent bars, Kind is one of Lincoln’s unique bars. You’ve probably passed it without even realising.

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What To Expect From Lincoln New Year

A scenic picture of fireworks in pink and orange in the night sky above a city scape.

In Chinese terms, 2014 is the year of the horse. And if you’re out seeing in this new year tonight, this is hopefully something that won’t be featuring in your post-night-out kebab (that scandal is so 2013, after all).

But if you can’t actually decide what to do with your life tonight, there are an array of events happening across the city to bring the year in with a bang.

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What To Expect From TV In 2014

Image Credit: Wikipedia.

Let’s be honest, it’ll be mostly shit.

But, let’s also try and be positive, it may now all be that bad.

I’ve tried to get together a list of the stuff which I think will be worth watching out for, the stuff you should be watching if you’re not, and compiled them into a sort of “list”.

Only Connect – BBC Four (moving to BBC Two) – This may look boring as hell, and also as difficult as trying to pull a nipple off, but it is actually brilliant. Watch an episode and I promise you it’ll intrigue you enough to watch the next episode on iPlayer, you have to find connections between seemingly unrelated objects. This is the hardest episode ever produced and is available on YouTube. You’ll also see how unbelievably British the whole affair is.

If you don’t get a single question right in that whole episode, don’t worry, no-one does. But isn’t it relaxing to watch, what with it’s nice music and lack of audience? I can’t stop watching it. The first few episodes of every series usually has a few easy questions and then you feel AMAZING having watched it and got a few right. So yeah.

Top Gear – BBC Two – This will invariably return, it always does. Despite it being presented by an idiot and his two much nicer friends, it’s always enjoyable to watch. I find myself increasingly wanting to watch the special episodes these days, and I’m not so bothered about the normal episodes. Judging by Idris Elba hosting a number of shows recently on BBC Two about Motor Racing, it looks like he’s up to take Clarkson’s job upon his eventual leaving of the show. This would make it actually perfect. In case you hadn’t gathered, I dislike Clarkson intensely.

Big Brother – Channel 5 – Am I the only one who stopped watching this once it moved to Channel 5? I actually stopped watching it before then. It’s apparently still around, though.

Sherlock – BBC One – This is a “modern” programme even my parents like (and that is seriously saying something, they hate most things they see), and I love it too. Returns early January, I can’t wait. Presumably he’ll actually be alive this series, I mean, he did die at the end of the last series and all that, unless they’ve got a morbid sense of humour I presume he faked his own death.